What We Say

First, ChowBanQ is a Net Zero service entity. Being paperless is one way of showing our commitment to renewable energy by 100%.

Second, as an online banking and a BaaS entity, we operate virtually in the cloud. We do not have branches on side walks, therefore we are not gulping up energy footprints like traditional banks.

Third, ChowBanQ’s founder, Abbey Laurel-Smith is committed towards building geo-thermal energy generating platforms that could be used:

  • to move our cities, our suburbs, private companies and all government establishments, away from being powered by an electrical grid, on to a geo-thermal platform. Estimated time to build and move the whole of New York State onto this kind of platform take two years.
  • to get rid of all EV charging stations and their wired connections, by simply converting all currently running EV’s – Tesla and all, from their current hook up system to an charging by induction. This requires two things. First is, fiddling with the nature of conductor and the polarization system of the current EV batteries, and second is preparing them for both electric and a geo-thermal grid.
  • to set up EV battery cure, recycling and dis-assembling plants all over New York city (Bronx and Brooklyn), the rest of the United States, the EU and in China.
  • to explore Net Zero advantages of sodium-ion batteries and potassium-ion batteries over current EV lithium-ion batteries. 
  • to use all of the above to create midway and bottom end Net Zero jobs.

The list of what could be done with life sciences is endless, but first, let’s improve on how we trade and better accountability.

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