Smithies Secure VPN

Smithies Secure VPN is an online browser security and data encryption provider for credit cards, mobile wallets, direct debits, wire transfers and bank accounts, so you could buy things, pay for things, make cash transfers and deposits on the go and from your mobile phone without having to worry about your account, your personal ID  and data security being compromised.

We will provide online data security cover and protection for you, your family and even your your entire workforce – if you choose to extend the comfort of browsing – which our unique VPN provides, from personal to business.

When it comes to online and data security, we take our business serious. That is why we say, Smithies Secure VPN is here to help you secure private and corporate informations like username, email, passwords, bank detail, credit card numbers and aliases when using your mobile device on the go, or when hooked up to public WiFi or government or industrial intranet from your PC, Mac, Android or from any device.

What exactly is a VPN?

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. It was designed to give anyone a privacy and a cloud of anonymity when browsing online by creating a private network from both public and personal internet connection. It does this through an encrypted data tunnel that helps prevent hackers from hacking into your WiFi connections, and cyber rogues from intercepting data that you might be sending or receiving from other devices in real time.

Why do we need a VPN?

We need a VPN to stop man in the middle kind of attack. Man in the middle is someone who inserted themselves into your message or hijacked your data as it was passing through a device and a server.

We need a VPN to stop malware from an unknown online source, from corrupting that data on your device through phishing and through other unscrupulous activities that might compromise the effectiveness of your device.

We need a VPN to stop the kind of malicious data snooping and attempts to sniff out your password, your email, your personal accounts and ID online.

We need a VPN to protects us and our devices anytime we stop by a public space to hook up to a WiFi to check emails or send massages to friends, relatives and loved ones.

We need a VPN to encrypt our data, our personal ID and messages online as we go about our daily businesses, trade and transactions online.

How does a VPN work?

WiFi Security

The security we offer is on par with any bank-grade encryption. Guaranteed! We will protect your data all the way and in every which way you turn.

Browse Anonymously

We don’t track you and neither do we allow others to. We will turn off your VPN so your identity and your treasured personal information are not visible to others.

Access as you Go

Browse through your favorites apps and websites. Freedom to download, browse websites without fear of you IP addresses being compromised.


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1 Device
$3.33 / month or pay for the whole year.


5 Devices
$3.99 / month or pay for the whole year.


10 Devices
$4.99 / month or pay for the whole year.

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